Ok so let me preface this question with the fact that this is my first erlang application. I have downloaded the "Re-vamped" mysql driver and have successully ran the test code connecting to my database. My eventual goal is to query a whole cluster of databases via an erlang/web services interface. Below is a chunk out of my test module:
<br><br>log_it(Level,Fmt,Args) -><br> io:format(Fmt,Args).<br><br>test() -><br><br>crypto:start(),<br>io:format("Starting ~n"),<br><br>{ok,p1} = mysql_conn:start("<a href="">
</a>", 7771,"dummy_user", "EASY_PASSWORD", "dbFIRST_DB", log_it ),<br> io:format("Phase 1 ~n"),<br><br>----------------------------------------<br><br>i get the following message when i try and run test()
<br>-----------------------------------------<br>=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Oct-2006::11:30:44 ===<br>Error in process <0.39.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{mysql_conn,do_recv,[log_it,<0.40.0>,undefined]},{mysql_conn,mysql_init,5},{mysql_conn,init,7}]}
<br>----------------------------------------<br>I am thinking this is an error in construction of my log_it function. Any idea's what I am missing?<br><br>thanks<br>