I couldn't leave a reply to <a href="http://yarivsblog.com/articles/2006/08/27/to-web-developers-think-outside-the-thread">Yariv's post</a> because of some error I kept on receiving, so I decided to respond here.<br><br>I think that besides "erlang-telecom-erlang-telecom" web developers should also be told this:
<br><br>- Mnesia is a nice database for small amounts of data - 4-8 GB, not more :))) (am I correct on this estimate?)<br><br>- Quite a lot of things can be parallelized in web development. Most notably, logging and post-process actions:
<br><br>-- Once you do an action you can spawn a separate logging process and return to the user immediately<br>-- Once you accept all data (most notably, image files), you can spawn separate processes to do whatever with the data at hand (scale, crop, rotate, move to a different folder etc. etc.) and return to the user immediately
<br><br>Many web developers don't even understand that this, indeed, is possible.<br><br>I think that in order to sell Erlang to web developers, we need to focus exactly on the things that can be "branched off". Because telecom stuff is interesting, but it also is scary. What else can we lure web developers with?