<br>Hello,<br><br>I'm use the very practical <font face="courier new,monospace">receive ... end.</font> construct in Erlang to handle messages.<br><br>Everything is fine except that I would like an elegant way to delay messages. I thought of keeping track of the bytes sent, and then decreasing that amount every second. But I am unable to do this elegantly. How do you periodly decrease that variable while still maintaining that receive ... end. construct (or do you suggest starting a process which's only task is to decrease X by a given amount every second?).
<br><br>Anyway, at one point---and I'm not sure I'm going to end up using it, but it might become useful---I was wondering whether or not it's possible to requeue a message? Obviously, sending to <font face="courier new,monospace">
self()</font> would work, but then it would be at the bottom of a queue, and when order matters, that could be a problem. Is there a way to catch a message, and then "uncatch" it? Or that simply not idiomatic?<br>