Hi everyone<br>
I'm trying to encapsulate erlang data inside an XMPP (jabber) stream and retrieve the data with a java client.<br>
So on the server side it looks like this :<br>
1> httpd_util:encode_base64(binary_to_list(term_to_binary("test"))).<br>
And on the client side I've tried the following :<br>
OtpErlangString S = new OtpErlangString("test");<br>
OtpOutputStream B = new OtpOutputStream(B);<br>
Base64.encodeObject(B.toByteArray()); -> "rO0ABXVyAAJbQqzzF/gGCFTgAgAAeHAAAAAHawAEdGVzdA=="<br>
Base64.encodeBytes(B.toByteArray()); -> "awAEdGVzdA=="<br>
Base64.encodeObject(B.toString()); -> "rO0ABXQALmNvbS5lcmljc3Nvbi5vdHAuZXJsYW5nLk90cE91dHB1dFN0cmVhbUBmNjQzOGQ="<br>
I've also tried to build an OtpErlangBinary from the OtpOutputStream, then use the toString() method, to no avail...<br>
(I'm using the Base64 java library from <a href="http://iharder.sourceforge.net/base64/">http://iharder.sourceforge.net/base64/</a> but I guess the problem does not come from this)<br>
Do you have any suggestions to my problem ? I guess I'm just not using
the right transformation in Java to reproduce the
binary_to_list(term_to_binary()) operation...<br>
Thank you<br>