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for informations, following discussions relating, gui, Qt, KDE:
<p>from <A HREF="http://dot.kde.org/">http://dot.kde.org/</A>,
<p>Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel recently announced Java <b><u>bindings for</u></b>
<br><b><u> DCOP.</u></b>
In other words, Java can now communicate with and
<br> control KDE2
applications. A welcome addition to the existing C bindings for
<br> DCOP, originally
used by the long gone kmapnotify. Then, of course, there's
<br> kxmlrpc which
provides a bridge to DCOP for anything that can speak HTTP
<br> and XML Then,
of course, there's
<br> kxmlrpc which
provides a bridge to DCOP for anything that can speak <b><i><u>HTTP</u></i></b>
<br><b><i><u> and
First, they ignore you.
Then, they laugh at you.
Then, they fight you.
Then, you win.
--- Gandhi.
Working code is what matter, not your market capitalization.
--Kurt granroth</pre>