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Excuse me for my stupidity but could anyone explain why the coerce and
exact operators do not work as advertised....
<p>% Surely one must match......
<p>match(X) ->
<br> io:format("when X is ~p\nX==0 results in ~p\nX=:=0
results in ~p\n",[X,X==0,X=:=0]),
<br> if
<br> X == 0 ->
<br> coerce_match;
<br> X =:= 0 ->
<br> exact_match;
<br> true ->
<br> no_match
<p>41> tmp:match(0.0).
<p>when X is 0.00000e+0,
<br>X==0 results in true
<br>X=:=0 results in false
Tony Pedley <A HREF="mailto:tonyp@terminus.ericsson.se">mailto:tonyp@terminus.ericsson.se</A>
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