read numbers

Roger Lipscombe roger@REDACTED
Thu Dec 9 12:09:44 CET 2021

You could pattern match on the "0" and "1" directly...

parse(Data) -> parse(Data, []).
parse(<<"0", Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
    [false | parse(Rest, Acc)];
parse(<<"1", Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
    [true | parse(Rest, Acc)];
parse(<<$\n, Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
    parse(Rest, Acc);
parse(<<>>, Acc) -> Acc.

On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 at 09:15, Java House <java4dev@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to read a file like with a series of 0s and 1s e.g.
> 111011001010
> 010011101110
> 110001001010
> 001101011101
> 110100000011
> 010110110010
> I read the file with
> {ok, Data} = file:read_file("binary.input"),
> which gives me a list of binaries and then by binary matching I get the individual numbers in binary format
> parse([<<P1:8,P2:8....>>|T])
> But now I am having the following problem
> each P? may contain 0 or 1 but in reality it contains the ascii value of the character 0 or 1
> that is 48 or 49.
> How do a get from the ascii value the actual number 0 or 1?
> Kind Regards
> Nikolas

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