erflux on git hub

Alberto Perri aperri@REDACTED
Mon Aug 16 12:36:54 CEST 2021

Hello Erlang friends,

i have been trying to run InfluxDB client for Erlang. You will find it at Could any of you explain to me how to run it. 

In the erflux_sup.erl file there is this line of code which states which module to pass to add_erflux/1 function
-spec add_erflux( Name :: atom() ) -> statup_result().
%% @doc Starts instance of erflux with a given name. If name other than erflux_http, pid() versions of erflux_http functions have to be used.
add_erflux(Name) ->
  add_erflux_internal( Name, #erflux_config{} ).a

Alternatively the Read


  Alberto Perri

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