COVID-19 update: ACM Erlang Workshop
Viktoria Fordos (vfordos)
Mon Mar 30 16:28:29 CEST 2020
We would like to give an update regarding COVID-19 to people interested in submitting/attending ACM Erlang Workshop.
Since the venue is in 5 months and situation changes day by day, what we can announce now is that the Erlang Workshop is still scheduled to be held as planned. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our top priority. The Erlang Workshop organisers are working closely with the ICFP organisers, and Erlang Workshop is going to follow ICFP: having the conference as a virtual or as a physical event. Please note that if it remains a physical event, speakers who are not able to travel will be allowed to present remotely. This is in line with the ICFP policy that allows remote participation by authors in exceptional circumstances.
Stay safe and healthy!
Viktória Fördős and Annette Bieniusa
Erlang Workshop organisers
Jersey City, New Jersey, United States, Sun 23 August 2020
Satellite event of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
Functional Programming (ICFP 2020)
Sun 23 - Fri 28 August 2020
The Erlang Workshop aims to bring together the open source, academic,
and industrial communities of Erlang, to discuss technologies and
languages related to Erlang. The Erlang model of concurrent programming
has been widely emulated, for example by Akka in Scala, and even new
programming languages were designed atop of the Erlang VM, such as
Elixir. Therefore we would like to broaden the scope of the workshop
to include systems like those mentioned above.
The workshop will enable participants to familiarize themselves with
recent developments on new techniques and tools, novel applications,
draw lessons from users' experiences and identify research problems
and common areas relevant to the practice of Erlang, Erlang-like
languages, functional programming, distribution, concurrency etc.
We invite two types of submissions.
1. Technical papers describing language extensions, critical
discussions of the status quo, formal semantics of language
constructs, program analysis and transformation, virtual machine
extensions and compilation techniques, implementations and interfaces
of Erlang in/with other languages, and new tools (profilers, tracers,
debuggers, testing frameworks, etc.). Submission related to Erlang,
Elixir, Scala/Akka, CloudHaskell, Lisp Flavoured Erlang, OCaml, and
functional programming are welcome and encouraged. The maximum length
for technical papers is restricted to 12 pages, but short papers
(max. 6 pages) are welcomed as well.
2. Practice and application papers describing uses of Erlang in the
"real-world", Erlang libraries for specific tasks, experiences from
using Erlang in specific application domains, reusable programming
idioms and elegant new ways of using Erlang to approach or solve a
particular problem. The maximum length for the practice and
application papers is restricted to 12 pages, but short papers
(max. 6 pages) are welcomed as well.
## Workshop Co-Chairs
* Annette Bieniusa, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Viktória Fördős, Cisco Systems, Sweden
## Program Committee
(Note: the Workshop Co-Chairs are also committee members)
* Adolfo Neto, Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil
* Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, Japan
* Evan Vigil-McClanahan, Helium, USA
* Hans Svensson, Quviq AB, Sweden
* István Bozó, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
* Laura M Castro, University of A Coruña, Spain
* Natalia Chechina, Bournemouth University, UK
* Phil Trinder, Glasgow University, UK
* Rickard Carlsson, Happy Hacking, Sweden
* Stavros Aronis, Erlang Solutions AB, Sweden
## Important Dates
* Submission deadline: Fri May 15, 2020
* Author notification: Fri June 12, 2020
* Workshop date: Sun August 23, 2020
## Instructions to authors
Papers must be submitted online via HotCRP (via the "Erlang2020"
event). The submission page is
Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF),
formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines.
Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy.
Violation risks summary rejection of the offending submission.
Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital Library.
The proceedings will be freely available for download from the ACM Digital
Library from one week before the start of the conference until two weeks
after the conference.
Paper submissions will be considered for poster submission in the case
they are not accepted as full papers.
## Venue & Registration Details
For registration, please see the ICFP 2020 web site at:
## Related Links
* ICFP 2020 web site:
* Past ACM SIGPLAN Erlang workshops:
* Open Source Erlang:
* HotCRP submission site:
* Author Information for SIGPLAN Conferences:
* Attendee Information for SIGPLAN Events:
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