Why doesn't dialyzer warn me?
Dániel Szoboszlay
Fri Mar 13 23:26:39 CET 2020
I think it's not you doing something wrong, but these examples are probably
stretching the boundaries of what errors success typing can detect.
I made a slight modification to your example to better illustrate my point:
-export([foo/1, t/0]).
-record(bar, {one, two}).
-type bar() :: #bar{one :: integer(), two :: list()}.
foo(A) when is_atom(A) ->
#bar{two = []};
foo(X) when is_integer(X) ->
#bar{one = X, two = []}.
-spec t() -> bar().
t() ->
Then you can check the success types with typer:
%% File: "mylib.erl"
%% -----------------
-spec foo(atom() | integer()) -> #bar{one::'undefined' | integer(),two::[]}.
-spec t() -> bar().
The "problem" is that in your human mind foo's type spec is foo(atom()) ->
#bar{one::undefined,two::[]}); (integer()) -> bar(), but Dialyzer
"collapses" this overloaded type specification. And since bar() is a
subtype of #bar{one::'undefined' | integer(),two::[]}, it won't complain
about the type spec of t/0.
By the way, if foo/1 is not an exported function, you will get an error
(even with your original example). I guess this is because Dialyzer does
some dead code elimination before calculating the success type of foo/1 and
realises the second clause will never apply, so there are no overloaded
types left to collapse.
I also found a similar
very worrying example where Dialyzer cannot detect obvious violations of
type specs:
-spec bars() -> [bar()].
bars() ->
[#bar{two = []}, #bar{one = 1, two = []}].
This is the same problem, the success type of the function (when ignoring
type specs) is bars() -> [#bar{one::'undefined' | 1,two::[]},...], and
[bar()] is a subtype of this return type, so no error.
I honestly don't know any more how to write code that is Dialyzer-friendly.
Looks like putting type specs within record definitions may help, because
it forces type checking to happen right at the expression level, instead of
using union types assembled from different bits of the code. But that
technique has some serious drawbacks, and it isn't even applicable to
non-record types. The same errors could go undetected when using a map
instead of a record, for example.
On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 at 18:03, Attila Rajmund Nohl <attila.r.nohl@REDACTED>
> Hello!
> I looked at a largish codebase with full of dialyzer warnings due to
> record values created via multiple functions and the temporary values
> does not satisfy the type spec. It's essentially the same problem as
> mentioned in this thread:
> https://erlang-questions.erlang.narkive.com/i74Hlqbm/temporarily-violating-record-type-constraints-annoys-dialyzer
> I applied the solution recommended by Dániel and the warnings went
> away - however, I'm a little afraid that if I end up creating a
> "wrong" record, dialyzer still won't warn me. So I created a minimal
> example:
> -module(mylib).
> -export([foo/1, t/0]).
> -record(bar, {one, two}).
> -type bar() :: #bar{one :: integer(), two :: list()}.
> -spec foo(integer()) -> bar().
> foo(12) ->
> #bar{two = []};
> foo(X) when is_integer(X) ->
> #bar{one = X, two = []}.
> -spec t() -> bar().
> t() ->
> foo(12).
> Dialyzer does not warn me that the t/0 function returns a value that
> does not satisfy the typespec (the field `one` will have `undefined`
> value, not an integer). What am I doing wrong?
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