A basic question

salil GK gksalil@REDACTED
Sun Mar 1 08:10:18 CET 2020

   I just started learning Erlang. I fail to understand the error I am
getting while compiling the below program.



%% API
-export([ for/2, forloop/1]).

for([],_) ->
for([X|Xs], Func) ->
  for(Xs, Func).

forloop(X) ->
  Fn = myfunc(Val) ->
      io:fwrite("From myfunc ~w" , [Val]) end,
  for(X, Fn).


basically I am trying to make a for loop with a call back function.
I am getting the following error while compiling
hw.erl:23: syntax error before: '->'
line 23 is
  Fn = myfunc(Val) ->


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