Decode a trail of <<Header, Length, Payload, ......, Header, Length, Payload,.......>> from Binary Input
Jesper Louis Andersen
Tue Jul 14 23:48:32 CEST 2020
On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 10:57 PM Oliver Korpilla <Oliver.Korpilla@REDACTED>
> extract(<< >>) -> [];
> extract(<< Header:8, X/binary>>) ->
> Bits = Header * 8,
> << Length:Bits, Y/binary >> = X,
> Payload = binary:part(Y, 0, Length),
> Rest = binary:part(Y, Length, byte_size(Y) - Length),
> Result = { Header, Length, Payload },
> [ Result | extract(Rest) ].
You can match directly on the length, which simplifies it a bit:
decode(<<Header:8, X/binary>>) ->
L = Header*8,
<<Length:L/integer, Payload:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = X,
[{Header, Length, Payload} | decode(Rest)];
decode(<<>>) ->
You avoid having to mangle with binary:part/3. However, if there are only 4
headers, the following is also quite readable:
decode(<<1, L:8/integer, Payload:L/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> [{1, L,
Payload} | decode(Rest)];
decode(<<2, L:16/integer, Payload:L/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> [{2, L,
Payload} | decode(Rest)];
decode(<<3, L:24/integer, Payload:L/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> [{3, L,
Payload} | decode(Rest)];
decode(<<4, L:32/integer, Payload:L/binary, Rest/binary>>) -> [{4, L,
Payload} | decode(Rest)];
decode(<<>>) -> [].
It repeats, but it is pretty clear what is going on I think. If you are not
interested in the header type, you can possibly factor this out of the
recursive loop, which makes it even nicer to look at.
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