SSL client reuse_sessions not working?
Roger Lipscombe
Thu Apr 2 11:07:27 CEST 2020
I'm investigating SSL session reuse, and I can't get my client to
actually reuse sessions. I'm using the escript below.
It reports 'false' for 'session_resumption' for every connection; the
session cache always has zero entries, and the server reports a
different session ID each time. The server (using ranch) is happily
reusing sessions when used with 'openssl s_time'.
What am I doing wrong?
#!/usr/bin/env escript
main(_Args) ->
Host = "localhost",
Port = 15350,
{ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(ssl),
Count = 100,
loop(Host, Port, Count),
loop(_H, _P, 0) -> ok;
loop(Host, Port, Count) ->
% Loop, connecting and disconnecting. Reuse sessions if possible.
Options = [
{reuse_sessions, true} % automatic session reuse
{ok, S} = ssl:connect(Host, Port, Options, infinity),
{ok, [{session_id, SessionId}]} = ssl:connection_information(S,
{ok, [{session_resumption, SessionResumption}]} =
ssl:connection_information(S, [session_resumption]),
io:format("~p ~p\n", [SessionId, SessionResumption]),
io:format("client_ssl_otp_session_cache: ~p\n",
loop(Host, Port, Count - 1).
get_ets_size(Name) ->
get_ets_size(Name, ets:all()).
get_ets_size(Name, []) -> undefined;
get_ets_size(Name, [Tid | Rest]) ->
case ets:info(Tid, name) of
Name ->
ets:info(Tid, size);
_ ->
get_ets_size(Name, Rest)
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