[erlang-questions] Why this code not being infinite recursive?
Fri Jun 14 06:56:29 CEST 2019
The acceptor is waiting for new TCP connection.
If a new connection arrives, it will spawn a new process waiting for future new connection first, then the current process will handle communication on the connected connection.
Best Regards,
> 在 2019年6月14日,12:45,I Gusti Ngurah Oka Prinarjaya <okaprinarjaya@REDACTED> 写道:
> Hi,
> I learn gen_tcp from learnyousomeerlangg book. I try to understand flow of code below.
> And i got confused with acceptor/1 . Because acceptor/1 call itself but have no base case and just execute once. It's not usual. Why?
> From my understanding it should be an infinity recursive.
> -module(naive_tcp).
> -compile(export_all).
> start_server(Port) ->
> Pid = spawn_link(
> fun() ->
> io:format("Spawned at start_server()~n"),
> {ok, ListenSocket} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [binary, {active, false}]),
> spawn(fun() -> acceptor(ListenSocket) end),
> timer:sleep(infinity)
> end
> ),
> {ok, Pid}.
> acceptor(ListenSocket) ->
> io:format("I am acceptor~n"),
> {ok, AcceptorSocket} = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
> spawn(fun() -> acceptor(ListenSocket) end),
> handle(AcceptorSocket).
> handle(AcceptorSocket) ->
> inet:setopts(AcceptorSocket, [{active, once}]),
> receive
> {tcp, AcceptorSocket, <<"quit", _/binary>>} ->
> gen_tcp:close(AcceptorSocket);
> {tcp, AcceptorSocket, Message} ->
> gen_tcp:send(AcceptorSocket, Message),
> handle(AcceptorSocket)
> end.
> Please enlightenment
> Thank you
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