[erlang-questions] Error report printed to stdout when using remsh to a tls dist cluster

Jesse Stimpson jstimpson@REDACTED
Wed Feb 20 20:23:34 CET 2019

Sorry to bump this topic, but does anyone have any advice on where to go
from here? Is this deserving of a bug report to the Erlang/OTP tracker?


On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 2:21 PM Jesse Stimpson <
jstimpson@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've set up a distribution of 2 Erlang nodes, using "-proto_dist
> inet_tls", and when I connect to one of the nodes with remsh, I receive the
> following error report:
> Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10]
> [async-threads:1] [hipe]
> Eshell V10.2.3  (abort with ^G)
> (ssl_test2@REDACTED)1> =ERROR REPORT==== 12-Feb-2019::14:17:25.653872 ===
> Error in process <0.68.0> on node 'ssl_test_remsh@REDACTED' with exit
> value:
> {{badmatch,{error,closed}},
>  [{inet_tls_dist,accept_loop,4,[{file,"inet_tls_dist.erl"},{line,253}]}]}
> The error appears to be benign; I don't observe any undesirable behavior
> from the Erlang nodes so far. It's also inconsistently seen; it takes a
> handful of new remsh attempts to produce the error.
> I've pinpointed the 21.2 release as the culprit, but there are many
> commits between 21.1.4 and 21.2, so it's difficult for me to isolate.
> To reproduce: set up 2 nodes with proto_dist inet_tls (call them A and B).
> Have B issue a ping to A. Then set up a remsh to B. Close and repeat the
> remsh until the error appears. From what I have seen this is the minimal
> set of steps to reproduce. When just using 1 node with a remsh, I've not
> seen the error.
> Thanks,
> Jesse Stimpson



Jesse Stimpson

Site Reliability Engineering

m: 9199950424 <(919)%20995-0424>
RepublicWireless.com <https://republicwireless.com/>
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