[erlang-questions] MIB compiler errors for common MIBS
Wolf, Dave
Thu Aug 29 18:39:12 CEST 2019
Hi all,
I am working on an SNMP application that polls SNMP devices and currently it works fine if I use OIDs, but I'd like to be able to load the MIB file for the device and poll using the name associated with the OID. The issue I am running into is that for most of my MIB files I downloaded from the manufacturer sites, the MIB compiler in Erlang encounters errors during the compile to .bin format. I am wondering if I need to compile it in a certain directory, but I am not sure why it is failing. Here are beginning lines of the output from an example (full errors attached in output.txt) of this command: "erlc UPS-MIB.mib". I have tried this on Windows and Linux hosts with the same results.
UPS-MIB.mib: 38: Macro 'TEXTUAL-CONVENTION' not imported.
UPS-MIB.mib: 45: Macro 'TEXTUAL-CONVENTION' not imported.
UPS-MIB.mib: 18: OBJECT IDENTIFIER [upsMIB] defined in terms of undefined parent object. Parent: ''mib-2''.(Sub-indexes: [33].)
UPS-MIB.mib: 52: OBJECT IDENTIFIER [upsObjects] defined in terms of undefined parent object. Parent: 'upsMIB'.(Sub-indexes: [1].)
UPS-MIB.mib: 62: OBJECT IDENTIFIER [upsIdent] defined in terms of undefined parent object. Parent: 'upsObjects'.(Sub-indexes: [1].)
UPS-MIB.mib: 64: OBJECT IDENTIFIER [upsIdentManufacturer] defined in terms of undefined parent object. Parent: 'upsIdent'.(Sub-indexes: [1].)
UPS-MIB.mib: 72: OBJECT IDENTIFIER [upsIdentModel] defined in terms of undefined parent object. Parent: 'upsIdent'.(Sub-indexes: [2].)
I've attached the MIB file in case someone wants to give it a shot and tell me the errors of my ways. I have loaded this exact MIB file into a MIB browser and it works just fine, I can browse the device without any issues. Is there another way I can compile this MIB file? Is it in a common format that other tools might be able to compile?
If anyone has any suggestions or needs further infomation, please let me know.
Dave Wolf.
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