[erlang-questions] More benefit and practical example of distributed Erlang/OTP (simple) application
Dániel Szoboszlay
Mon Aug 12 23:57:58 CEST 2019
Let me try to give you a simple example to illustrate the use of
distributed applications. Let's say you have a website and you want it to
serve with a cluster of N nodes. You need a web server application, and
that should be really running on all the nodes (so it's not an OTP
distributed application), so all of the nodes will be utilised. But you
also have an application that sends out a daily newsletter of top articles
or whatever to your users. It is not a good idea to start this application
on all the N nodes independently, because each of them would independently
send out the same email, so your users would get N copies of that. Sending
the newsletter is a task that should be done on exactly one node in the
cluster (but it doesn't matter on which one): this is the use case for
distributed applications. It's not about distributing load across nodes, it
is for electing a single node in a distributed system to perform some task
that has to be performed only once.
But to be honest I wouldn't really recommend using distributed
applications. They are very rarely used, and their implementation is not
very robust. Practically, never try to have more than one distributed
application in your release. (For those interested in the technical
details: the dist_ac processes across the cluster run a protocol to decide
where to start a distributed application. They can only run the protocol
for one application at a time, and all the nodes have to participate in the
protocol, so until a decision is made, they cannot handle requests to start
an other application. Now let's imagine you have two distributed
applications in your release, A and B (started in this order). If the node
running B crashes and gets restarted by heart, the dist_ac processes may
deadlock, because the newly restarted node would start running the protocol
for A first, while the rest of the cluster is still running the protocol
for B which has to be restarted somewhere after the crash.) There are
better solutions for selecting a single node (or process) for doing a task
only once in a cluster, such as gproc or global registered names.
On Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 17:38, I Gusti Ngurah Oka Prinarjaya <
okaprinarjaya@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> Again, my questions and confusions will base on Learn-You-Some-Erlang
> book. Yes, because i learn erlang from that book. And..thank you so much,
> Fred.
> Now, i just finished read and practicing
> https://learnyousomeerlang.com/distributed-otp-applications part of the
> book. From this part, i learn how to develop a super simple distributed app
> that runs in 3 separated nodes.
> I have web service infrastructure experience. I've done several freelance
> projects related to improving availability and delivery speed. Mostly done
> by clustering web servers, database servers, distributing traffic to
> clustered web servers, routing write and read to clustered databases
> servers, etc. My tools such as NginX, MariaDB Galera, MariaDB MaxScale,
> HAProxy, etc.
> If i try to compare what i learn in
> https://learnyousomeerlang.com/distributed-otp-applications with my
> experiences, i can't see the benefits of distributed erlang/otp app that
> explained in the book. Then my questions are:
> 1. Based on the book, i can't see the benefits by creating 2 backup nodes.
> Because there's no traffic distribution. Having 3 web-server machines then
> distributing traffic to them is more make sense for me for now. If 1
> web-server failure, there's still 2 web-server left to serve.
> 2. Based on the book, service/module can execute at any nodes, but the
> service originally at the main / 1st node as long as the 1st node still
> alive. Service executed at 1st node. I can't see the benefits. Because in
> the end, it will only burden the 1st node. So what is the other 2 backup
> node is for? only act as a forwarder? The other 2 backup nodes are just
> "sitting", passive, doing nothing (except forwarding request) waiting for
> the 1st node to die.
> 3. I do really need to understand Erlang distributed programming, is there
> any more practical *simple* example? Yes, simple example, because if you
> ask me to read RabbitMQ's source code, that will make me drunk hahaha
> Please enlightenment
> Thank you
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