[erlang-questions] Erlang 21, Stability and the murder of an innocent Statemachine

Oliver Korpilla oliver.korpilla@REDACTED
Fri May 4 14:12:36 CEST 2018

Except for the init bug in 19.0 (which our infrastructure was fixed on for a long time) we found migrating to gen_statem a painless experience with decent improvements. But maybe we simply use a different or limited feature set? 


On May 4, 2018 8:03:11 AM EDT, "Heinz N. Gies" <heinz@REDACTED> wrote:
>I have thought of that but I don’t think that’s a real option.
>Deprication warnings are important, this would turn all of them off
>which doesn’t help code quality. I want to know if something is
>deprecated and fix it in most cases. But as Karolis pointed out, it’s
>easy for a function or two but for a whole behaviour it’s nearly
>It basically creates two erlang worlds, pre-statem and post-statem.
>The stack trace is not great but it’s not as bad, it’s somewhat
>possible to just wrap the whole function calling it into a ifdef and
>call it a day. Not great it still is a decent amount of code
>duplication but it’s possible.
>would be an example. It’s more annoying then other changes but not
>nearly as bad as the gen_fsm
>> On 4. May 2018, at 13:58, Roger Lipscombe <roger@REDACTED>
>> On 4 May 2018 at 12:07, Karolis Petrauskas <k.petrauskas@REDACTED
><mailto:k.petrauskas@REDACTED>> wrote:
>> I agree with Heinz. The deprecation of gen_fsm forced me to stuck on
>OTP 19 and I dont see any reasonable path to upgrade.
>> We upgraded successfully to OTP 20 (and compiled against OTP 21) by
>simply adding the following to the top of our gen_fsm modules:
>> -compile([nowarn_deprecated_function]).  % gen_fsm is deprecated; use
>> It'll be a problem when gen_fsm is *removed*, but until then, we'll
>stick with this.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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