[erlang-questions] Deprecation warnings: OTP20 and OTP21 compatible code
Loïc Hoguin
Wed Jun 6 13:12:25 CEST 2018
It's worth noting that you did not have an issue with Cowboy, Ranch and
friends. That's because the default policy in Erlang.mk is to NOT use
warnings_as_errors for dependencies (and as a result this option is not
included in the generated rebar.config).
This saves a lot of headaches. erlang:get_stacktrace/0 is notable in how
widely used it is but issues with warnings_as_error have always existed
for as long as I've been doing Erlang. Tools should really have a saner
default policy for this. The build shouldn't break for your users just
because a new warning was introduced.
On 06/06/2018 01:01 PM, Jesper Louis Andersen wrote:
> For a larger project, I stumbled into the following while trying to
> build it on OTP-21.0-rc2-69-g9ae2044073:
> * `erlexec` sets `warnings_as_errors` which fails due to
> `erlang:get_stacktrace/0`
> * `meck` sets `warnings_as_errors` which fails due to
> `erlang:get_stacktrace/0`
> * `ranch_proxy_protocol` sets `warnings as errors which fails due to
> `ssl:ssl_accept/3`
> * `jose` sets `warnings_as_errors` which fails due to
> `erlang:get_stacktrace/0`
> * `cowboy_cors` sets `warnings_as_errors` which fails due to
> `erlang:get_stacktrace/0`
> In effect, the warnings_as_errors is now a useless option on any system
> which wants an upgrade-path from 20 to 21. If you start using the new
> syntax straight away, you lock out users so they can't use 20 anymore,
> and in any software project, some system has to support multiple
> versions in order to do code upgrade[0].
> Current fix for the above is to use rebar3's overrides:
> {overrides,
> [{override, erlexec, [{erl_opts, [debug_info]}]},
> {override, ranch_proxy_protocol, [{erl_opts, [debug_info]}]},
> {override, cowboy_cors, [{erl_opts, [debug_info]}]},
> {override, jose, [{erl_opts, [debug_info]}]},
> {override, meck, [{erl_opts, [debug_info]}]}]
> }.
> which plugs the hole for now. But I'm a bit hesitant to just write those
> projects since I'm not sure I have a good, easily implemented transition
> path here. I think one might be able to use a bit of macro-magic to
> accept the particular deprecation warning on 21 (only!) as
> not-an-error-and-intended-for-now, so one can postpone the 21 upgrade a
> bit in the software.
> NOTE: This isn't a problem in fully vendored software where you control
> everything. You can simply define when you upgrade and handle all
> dependencies directly. But in a setting where other people rely on your
> libraries, it is usually a bit more flexibile to allow them the ability
> to run on the current version as well as the version one level back.
> [0] Note this is somewhat similar to a code_change/3: Some function
> needs to understand how to transform old data to new data and thus work
> with both versions for a while.
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 2:22 PM Danil Zagoskin <z@REDACTED
> <mailto:z@REDACTED>> wrote:
> Hi!
> This is a shout of pain we got while preparing our project for
> upcoming OTP release.
> The problem:
> * We compile our code for production using warnings_as_errors
> option. This helps us to keep the code tidy.
> * OTP21 deprecates some functions (erlang:get_stacktrace/0,
> ssl:ssl_accept/0, may be more)
> * OTP20 does not support new API (catch C:R:S, ssl:handshake/2)
> So, to be able to go with both OTP20 and OTP21, we need some hacks.
> First thought: let's pass {nowarn_deprecated_function, [...]} with
> Emakefile, letting old code
> compile smootly in newer OTP.
> But that cannot be done — this option is only recognized when given
> in files.
> Second thought: OK, let's just add this option to all affected files.
> But "Warning: erlang:get_stacktrace/0 is not a deprecated function"
> So, we needed to implement some preprocessor logic which adds nowarn
> only when compiling with OTP21.
> Luckily, there is a OTP_RELEASE var defined in OTP21:
> -ifdef(OTP_RELEASE).
> -compile({nowarn_deprecated_function, [{erlang, get_stacktrace, 0}]}).
> -endif.
> Adding that to tens of files (large project, lots of dependencies
> in-tree) seemed too ugly,
> so we implemented a parse_transform which can be added to Emakefile.
> Parse transform itself:
> https://gist.github.com/stolen/6a55221ffb906bde712cd939a729718d
> --
> Danil Zagoskin | z@REDACTED <mailto:z@REDACTED>
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