[erlang-questions] Generating a list of lists containing random numbers
Tue Jul 3 06:15:17 CEST 2018
On 2018年7月2日月曜日 23時36分10秒 JST Awsaf Rahman wrote:
> Hello!
> I am trying to determine the execution time for my matrix multiplication
> program and for that I need to generate a large enough List of Lists of
> random integers. Say I want to generate a matrix with a 1000 rows (that is
> 1000 lists inside a list). Is there any way of doing it? I can generate a
> list of random numbers using list comprehension but can't figure out how to
> go about building a list of lists.
Wheels within wheels, man...
generate(Size) ->
Generate = fun() -> rand:uniform(1000) end,
MakeList = fun() -> populate(Generate, Size, []) end,
populate(MakeList, Size, []).
populate(_, Size, Acc) when Size < 0 ->
populate(Generate, Size, Acc) ->
populate(Generate, Size - 1, [Generate() | Acc]).
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