[erlang-questions] Booleans in bit syntax

Guilherme Andrade g@REDACTED
Sat Jan 20 14:37:27 CET 2018

Hi Viktor,

I've recently wondered exactly the same. It would be very helpful in doing
away with boilerplate helpers for converting single bits into booleans and

On 20 January 2018 at 13:32, Viktor Söderqvist <viktor@REDACTED>

> Adding a boolean type specifier in the bit syntax would be useful, I
> think. Then you could write
>     decode_stuff(<<Flag1/boolean, Flag2/boolean, 0:6, Rest/binary>>) ->
>         {Flag1, Flag2, Rest}.
> instead of
>     decode_stuff(<<F1:1, F2:1, 0:6, Rest/binary>>) ->
>         Flag1 = case F1 of 1 -> true;
>                            0 -> false
>                 end,
>         Flag2 = case F2 of 1 -> true;
>                            0 -> false;
>                 end,
>         {Flag1, Flag2, Rest}.
> Many binary protocols contain flags and indicators, typically used as
> booleans in application logic with 1 for true, 0 for false.
> The default size would be 1 bit, i.e. Size = 1 and Unit = 1. It would be
> for constructing binaries as well. It is intuitive and it would be
> backward compatible.
> What do you think? Any reason for not adding it?
> Viktor
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