[erlang-questions] Unions of Cardinality > 13
AJ Foster
Mon Feb 19 06:27:20 CET 2018
I am new to the Erlang ecosystem, so please excuse / assist with my vocabulary. I’ve observed that Dialyzer behaves differently with union types of different cardinality, with a threshold of 13 items. An example is below:
-export([example1/1, example2/1, main/0]).
% Cardinality above 13 -> not checked as expected.
-type value1() :: 1..14.
-spec example1(value1()) -> ok | error.
example1(A) when A >= 1, A =< 10 -> ok;
example1(_) -> error.
% Cardinality not above 13 -> checked as expected.
-type value2() :: 1..13.
-spec example2(value2()) -> ok | error.
example2(A) when A >= 1, A =< 10 -> ok;
example2(_) -> error.
main() ->
error = example1(15), % Passes successfully.
error = example2(15). % Warning: breaks the contract.
Similar behavior occurs with unions of atoms; unions of up to 13 atoms are checked as I expect, but unions of 14 or more atoms are not. This behavior appears to be intentional according to this: https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/atom_widen.erl <https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/atom_widen.erl>
My questions: where is this threshold defined, and can it be configured? Alternatively, is there a better way of constructing large union types that will allow Dialyzer to check them as “strictly” as types with fewer items?
Thank you for your time,
- AJ
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