[erlang-questions] Access to process dictionary
Donald Steven
Sun Dec 23 14:02:56 CET 2018
Thanks for your note. I've heard that injunction before and have been
successful until recently in not using it. However, I was unable to
solve the following exercise without it.
Just for fun, I wanted to try and develop an Erlang version of getc (the
old Kernighan and Ritchie "Software Tools") so that I could not only
read a character from a binary buffer but 'put back' a character (or
more than one) if I needed to. Further, instances of this getc function
had to be able to be called from time to time, not
successively-recursively as in while getc /= eof putc, etc.
So I needed to know where in the input buffer I was; that is, to save
the buffer index. In a procedural language, I'd just have a global
index and increment it after a getc and decrement it after a put back
character. With a process dictionary I was able to do this. Without
it, I was stumped.
If you have a non-process-dictionary solution, I'm all ears.
On 12/23/2018 6:57 AM, Vance Shipley wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 2:43 PM Eric Pailleau <eric.pailleau@REDACTED> wrote:
>> You should however avoid to use process dictionaries if possible.
> Yeah, don't do that. If you are new to functional programming and
> think the process dictionary is the answer to the question :"where are
> the global variables?" you are on the wrong track.
> The process dictionary is for OTP and other tools, it's not something
> you should be using for general work.
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