[erlang-questions] read_file -- binary data object

Thu Dec 20 00:48:27 CET 2018

On 2018年12月19日水曜日 18時40分05秒 JST Donald Steven wrote:
> The manual for the function read_file/1 says: Returns {ok, Binary}, where Binary is a binary data object that contains the contents of Filename, or {error, Reason} if an error occurs.
> What is the type of this "binary data object" (a list?).  (I'll want to access individual elements.)

It is an Erlang binary.

1> Foo1 = "Something I'll write to disk.".
"Something I'll write to disk."
2> Foo2 = <<"Something else I'll write to disk.">>.
<<"Something else I'll write to disk.">>
3> Foo3 = <<1,2,3,4>>.
4> file:write_file("foo1.txt", Foo1).
5> file:write_file("foo2.txt", Foo2).
6> file:write_file("foo3", Foo3).    
7> file:read_file("foo1.txt").
{ok,<<"Something I'll write to disk.">>}
8> file:read_file("foo2.txt").
{ok,<<"Something else I'll write to disk.">>}
9> file:read_file("foo3").    

If the above seems perplexing then check out the docs on Erlang binaries.
They are awesome, especially when dealing with binary file formats or network data.


Also, keep in mind that "object" is a heavily overloaded term in computing.
The docs mean "returns a self-contained thingy that can be labeled and carries
a type (binary) native to the runtime".


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