[erlang-questions] Maps and binaries
Bob Cowdery
Wed Dec 12 16:34:01 CET 2018
Yes it does, thank you. I tried a few things around that theme but
didn't do it quite right.
On 12/12/2018 15:06, Hugo Mills wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 02:58:54PM +0000, Bob Cowdery wrote:
>> Hi Hugo
>> Thanks, all good points. This is test code just sorting out how to
>> do things. I have a problem with encoding now.
>> This is my map:
>> msg(set_audio_route) -> #{<<"cmd">> => <<"set_audio_route">>,
>> <<"params">> => []};
>> to which I add parameters and encode.
>> PMsg = maps:put(<<"params">>, [1, "LOCAL", 1, Api, Dev, "BOTH"],
>> msg(set_audio_route)),
>> FullMsg = jsone:encode(PMsg),
>> This encodes to:
>> SetRoute - <<"{\"cmd\":\"set_audio_route\",\"params\":[1,[76,79,67,65,76],1,[77,77,69],[83,112,101,97,107,101,114,115,32,40,82,101,97,108,116,101,107,32,72,105,103,104,32,68,101,102,105,110,105,116,105],[66,79,84,72]]}">>
> I don't know the jsone library, but it looks like it's encoding
> binaries to strings, and lists to lists (whether the lists are
> intended to be strings or not). This kind of makes sense, given the
> way erlang represents strings, in that it gives the encoder a concrete
> statement of what to encode as a string and what as a list.
> Does it do the right thing if you write <<"LOCAL">> and <<"BOTH">>,
> and you don't convert Api and Dev to a list?
> Hugo.
>> The problem is my C lib when I decode the Json is expecting strings
>> in the list and it gets lists. I'm doing this in a few languages at
>> the moment so can't change the C for one language when its working
>> for others. Is there a way around this?
>> Bob)
>> On 12/12/2018 10:37, Hugo Mills wrote:
>>> Hi, Bob,
>>> On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 10:24:35AM +0000, Bob Cowdery wrote:
>>>> Its a long time since using Erlang so just getting back in. I know
>>>> that there is always better ways to do things so is there a better
>>>> patten matching way than this straight forward step-wise method.
>>>> I have output from a UDP request put through jstone:decode which
>>>> ends up like so:
>>>> #{<<"outputs">> =>
>>>> [#{<<"api">> => <<"MME">>,<<"channels">> => 2,<<"direction">> => 1,
>>>> <<"index">> => 5,<<"name">> => <<"Microsoft Sound Mapper -
>>>> Output">>},
>>>> #{<<"api">> => <<"MME">>,<<"channels">> => 8,<<"direction">> => 1,
>>>> <<"index">> => 6,<<"name">> => <<"Speakers (Realtek High
>>>> Definiti">>},
>>>> ...
>>>> #{<<"api">> => <<>>,<<"channels">> => 0,<<"direction">> => 0,
>>>> <<"index">> => 0,<<"name">> => <<>>}]}
>>>> I want to extract the second member api and name.
>>>> Map = jsone:decode(Resp),
>>>> List = maps:get(<<"outputs">>, Map),
>>>> Element = lists:nth(2, List),
>>>> Api = my_binary_to_list(maps:get(<<"api">>, Element)),
>>>> Dev = my_binary_to_list(maps:get(<<"name">>, Element)),
>>>> io:format("~p, ~p~n", [Api, Dev]).
>>> This seems perfectly reasonable as it is. However, you can
>>> pattern-match maps this way:
>>> #{<<"outputs">> := List} = Map
>>> and if you know that it's always going to be the second entry in the
>>> list, you can pattern-match that with this:
>>> [_, Element | _] = List
>>> Note that with the map pattern, the key must always be either a
>>> literal or a bound variable. Also note the required use of :=, which
>>> is the "mandatory key" syntax, as opposed to =>, which is "optional
>>> key". You can match multiple key/value pairs in a map in a single
>>> pattern.
>>>> my_binary_to_list(<<H,T/binary>>) ->
>>>> [H|my_binary_to_list(T)];
>>>> my_binary_to_list(<<>>) -> [].
>>> Why not just use binary_to_list/1 in the erlang module?
>>> Hugo.
>>>> prints:
>>>> "MME", "Speakers (Realtek High Definiti"
>>>> Thanks in advance, Bob
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