[erlang-questions] Understanding BEAM bytecode [Code section]
Gabriel Rivas
Thu Sep 14 23:16:03 CEST 2017
Hello all,
I am trying to understand BEAM files most specifically the Code section.
For that objective I wrote a simple program consisting of just a
subtraction function
taking 2 parameters:
sub(X,Y) ->
>From that file I created the .S version, and I can see that the assembly
version for the subtraction is:
In the BEAM file I can see that the bytecode part that correlated with this
function is (in hex numbers):
7D 05 20 00 03 13 03 13
After some reading of the BEAM book and some analysis, I could translate
these hex numbers to:
7D 05 20 = {gc_bif2,
Lbl = 05,
Live X registers = 2,
Bif = 00,
03 13 03 13 = args: X0,X1
return: X0
13 -> k_return
But I still don't see how the subtraction happens. Can anybody shed some
on the internals of calling a BIF in the erlang module?
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