[erlang-questions] common test not working in OTP R20

Fri Sep 1 13:48:15 CEST 2017

I just can't get common test to run on built-from-source OTP 20.0 on a
linux machine.

Trying to run just the skeleton of a small common test suite,
some_SUITE, I get a function_clause error: 
             failed: {error,
                             [{tc_logfile, ".."},
                              {data_dir, ".."},
                              {priv_dir, ""}]],

I have looked through the source and, for example, in common_test-1.11
we had

init_tc(_Mod, TC, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase, TC]).

However, in common_test-1.15 (OTP 20.0), we have:

init_tc(Mod, {init_per_testcase,TC}, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase,
Mod, TC]);
init_tc(Mod, {end_per_testcase,TC}, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_end_per_testcase,
Mod, TC]);
init_tc(Mod, TC = error_in_suite, Config) ->
    call(fun call_generic_fallback/3, Config, [pre_init_per_testcase,
Mod, TC]).

Would this mean that in ct_framework:init_tc 
      ct_suite_init(Suite,HookFunc,PostInitHook,Config) when
is_list(Config) ->
         case ct_hooks:init_tc(Suite,HookFunc,Config) of 

HookFunc should be {init_per_testcase, TC} and not TC, as it appears to
be happening?

I have also tried the pre-built OTP R20.0 for windows, and that works

What am I doing wrong? 

Thanks and best regards

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