[erlang-questions] Beam.smp killed by Linux

Frank Muller frank.muller.erl@REDACTED
Fri Nov 3 09:42:10 CET 2017

Thanks guys.

I’ll try to recompile with 20.1 + debug symbols on and I’ll leg you know.


On 2 November 2017 at 15:02, Luke Bakken <luke@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Tracking down the root cause of this requires building a VM with debug
>> symbols and getting a core file from the next crash.
> In case that's unpractical, objdump'ing the beam.smp binary and navigating
> to the location of the crash might also help if the misbehaving code is
> listed under a routine with a readable name and that name can be traced
> back to the ERTS C code.
> --
> Guilherme
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