[erlang-questions] Binary to string conversion

Abhishek Ranjan abhishek@REDACTED
Wed May 10 12:41:18 CEST 2017

I have set up a chat application using ejabberd(built using erlang) and Pidgin.

I have witnessed a proceeding where when I print out a message sent by the client to server on ejabberd it comes out as string 

For example,if I send a message as


from the pidgin and print it inside the module containing ejabberd hook as CustomMod.erl using

>     Bin=xmpp:get_text(Packet#message.body),
>     Name=binary_to_list(Bin),
>     ?INFO_MSG("The value of Name  is ~p~n",[Name]), 

the output comes as "aman"

but I have a simple erlang module also for login as login.erl and it does not implement any ejabberd behavior, but is called from within CustomMod.erl  when I print this message out in this module it comes enclosed within these << >> but are separated by 0's like

aman becomes here as <<97,0,109,0,97,0,110,0>>

which on doing binary_to_list(Variable) inside my login.erl   I get-> [97,0,109,0,97,0,110,0]

(where Variable is the value enclosed within <<>>)

 Can anyone tell me why is it happening and what is the way to get the value aman in login.erl  also?


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