[erlang-questions] 1 failed test when installing Erlang 19.2 on Ubuntu using building method

Olivier Stas olivier.stas@REDACTED
Mon Feb 6 22:33:11 CET 2017

Hi everyone,

I installed erlang/otp 19.2 today on a Ubuntu laptop, following 
carefully instructions.
When executing suite test, one failed. I have no idea if that particular 
test is important or not as I'm a newbee for Erlang. But an error is 
never normal, so I share.
Nevertheless I finished the installation, without knowing if I will get 
into trouble at sometime or not because of that.

Of course I'm available to give as many information as needed and 
proceed with any test or whatever if it may helps.

So, Ubuntu 16.04 up to date, core i7.
Erlang downloaded: http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_19.2.tar.gz

The command issued to launch tests:

|$ERL_TOP/bin/erl -s ts install -s ts smoke_test batch -s init stop |

|And the log file generated:|

|=== Suite started at 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=== Starting test, 6 test cases
=cases 6
=user olivier
=host Kroston
=hosts Kroston
=emulator_vsn 8.2
=emulator beam
=otp_release 19
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=case inet_SUITE:init_per_suite
=logfile inet_suite.init_per_suite.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=result ok
=elapsed 1.0e-6
=case inet_SUITE:t_gethostbyaddr
=logfile inet_suite.t_gethostbyaddr.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=result auto_skipped: {require_failed,
=== *** SKIPPED test case 1 of 6 ***
=case inet_SUITE:t_gethostbyname
=logfile inet_suite.t_gethostbyname.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=result auto_skipped: {require_failed,
=== *** SKIPPED test case 2 of 6 ***
=case inet_SUITE:t_gethostbyaddr_v6
=logfile inet_suite.t_gethostbyaddr_v6.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=result auto_skipped: {require_failed,
=== *** SKIPPED test case 3 of 6 ***
=case inet_SUITE:t_gethostbyname_v6
=logfile inet_suite.t_gethostbyname_v6.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=result auto_skipped: {require_failed,
=== *** SKIPPED test case 4 of 6 ***
=case inet_SUITE:t_gethostnative
=logfile inet_suite.t_gethostnative.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:48
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=result failed: {{case_clause,{error,try_again}},
[{file,"test_server.erl"},{line,977}]}]}, [{inet_SUITE,
=== *** FAILED test case 5 of 6 ***
=case inet_SUITE:getifaddrs
=logfile inet_suite.getifaddrs.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=result ok
=elapsed 0.001917
=case inet_SUITE:end_per_suite
=logfile inet_suite.end_per_suite.html
=started 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=ended 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=result ok
=elapsed 0.0
=group_time 0.335s
=== TEST COMPLETE, 1 ok, 1 failed, 4 skipped of 6 test cases

=finished 2017-02-06 13:27:49
=failed 1
=successful 1
=user_skipped 0
=auto_skipped 4

Issue is as mentioned at line 624. Here is the test case with that line:


620: *t_gethostnative*(Config) when is_list(Config) -> 621: %% this will 
result in 26 bytes sent which causes problem in Windows 622: %% if the 
port-program has not assured stdin to be read in BINARY mode 623: %% 
OTP-2555 624: *case inet_gethost_native:gethostbyname*( 625: 
"a23456789012345678901234") of 626: {error,notfound} -> 627: ok; 628: 
{error,no_data} -> 629: ok 630: end.


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