[erlang-questions] dtls error when used with chrome webrtc

Joe K goodjoe2049@REDACTED
Wed Dec 27 22:09:19 CET 2017

I'm trying to implement parts of webrtc stack with elixir/erlang and
currently am stuck with setting up a dtls session.

The minimal example is, I think, the following (in console, erlang 20.2.2):

    2> ssl:start().
    3> {ok, ListenSocket} = ssl:listen(8090, [
    3>   binary,
    3>   {ip, {0, 0, 0, 0}},
    3>   {protocol, dtls},
    3>   {keyfile, <<"priv/server.key">>},
    3>   {certfile, <<"priv/server.pem">>},
    3>   {active, false}
    3> ]).
    {ok, ...}
    4> {ok, AcceptSocket} = ssl:transport_accept(ListenSocket).
    5> ssl:ssl_accept(AcceptSocket).
    {error,{tls_alert,"record overflow"}}

And js (with chrome canary):

After {error,{tls_alert,"record overflow"}} the RTCPeerConnection's
iceConnectionState becomes "failed" and the connection itself "closed".

I wonder what I am doing wrong.

    openssl s_client -dtls1 -connect -debug

works fine with the code snippet above.
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