[erlang-questions] Should erlang have macro FUNCTION_ARGS ?
Zhongzheng Liu
Mon Aug 7 10:22:53 CEST 2017
Hi Richard:
> What is "THE argument list"?
> Suppose I have
> foo(X, [a,b,c], 42) -> ...
> foo(0, Y, 127) -> ...
> which clause defines *THE* argument list?
The argument list will change its value in different clause, just like ?LINE.
> >
> > Using this macro, we can use io:format("~p", [FUNCTION_ARGS]) to print
> > arguments in any function.
> True. Considering that arguments can be extremely large,
> just how often do we want to print all the arguments unselectively?
Using io:format/2 to print arguments is just a example to explain the usage.
In practice I can send arguments to tx(https://github.com/kvakvs/tx)
or store them in somewhere for further analysis.
> I don't think this *CAN* work in the presence of maps.
> In a pattern (like the argument list), you have to write
> #{ key1 := val1, ..., keyn := valn }
> but that syntax is not allowed as an expression. You have
> to write
> #{ key1 => val1, ..., keyn => valn }
> for that. For example:
> d_function(#{ a => X }) -> % syntax error here
> e_function(#{a => X}); % ok
> d_function(#{ b := Y }) -> % ok
> e_function(#{b := Y}). % syntax error here
> I am not thrilled about this discrepancy. No other language
> I know does this, and it means that I can define a macro
> -define(MAGIC_VALUE, ...any ground term...).
> that stands for a ground term, and I can use that macro
> freely in patterns AND expressions,
> But that is the way it is, like it or not.
I think it can work with temporary variable.
foo(X, [a,b,c], 42) ->
will become:
foo(X=__TEMP_1__, [a,b,c]=__TEMP_2__, #{ b := Y }=__TEMP_3__) ->
[__TEMP_1__, __TEMP_2__, __TEMP_3__] .
It will work with maps.
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