[erlang-questions] Run in development
Pierre Fenoll
Sat Mar 26 20:45:50 CET 2016
On 26 March 2016 at 20:36, Roger Lipscombe <roger@REDACTED> wrote:
> erl -pa apps/*/ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -sname foo -config dev -s foo -s bar
> -s baz
> ...assuming that we want to run foo, bar and baz top-level
> applications in a single node (which we do in dev). Then we have
> (more-or-less):
> -module(foo).
> -export([start/0]).
> start() ->
> {ok, _} = application:ensure_all_started(foo).
I often find the need to do that exact same pattern:
* erl … -s myapp
* add myapp:start/0 that calls ensure_all_started/1 and matches its output
to {ok, _}
Would it be a terrible idea to add some CLI option "-app" that would do the
same as "-s"
except it would call application:ensure_all_started instead of
application:start ?
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