[erlang-questions] Maze alternate example for Rosetta Code
Björn Gustavsson
Sun Feb 14 11:38:48 CET 2016
On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Bill Durksen <bdurksen@REDACTED> wrote:
> 2. 114 packed lines of Erlang code just seems to over-coded for such a
> powerful language.
> Not being an expert, yet, in all the nuances of Erlang, can someone
> suggest ways I can decrease maze.erl code down to 99 lines or less, without
> cheating (removing too many newlines)?
Here are few pointers for more idiomatic Erlang.
Most of the time you want to use 'case' and not 'if'.
Your code:
has_neighbour(Maze, Row, Col, Direction) ->
V = vertex_at(Row, Col, Maze),
V >= 0 ->
Adjacent = adjacent_cell(Direction, V, Maze),
length(Adjacent) > 0 ->
Neighbours = digraph:out_neighbours(Maze#maze.g,
lists:nth(1, Adjacent)),
lists:member(V, Neighbours);
true -> false
true -> false
This can be rewritten to:
has_neighbour(Maze, Row, Col, Direction) ->
case vertex_at(Row, Col, Maze) of
V when V >= 0 ->
case adjacent_cell(Direction, V, Maze) of
[Adjacent] ->
Neighbours = digraph:out_neighbours(Maze#maze.g, Adjacent),
lists:member(V, Neighbours);
[] -> false
_ -> false
I also used pattern matching to avoid using length/1
and lists:nth/1.
Another example. Here is your code:
vertex_at(Row, Col, Maze) -> Cell_Exists = cell_exists(Row, Col,
Maze), if Cell_Exists -> Row * Maze#maze.n + Col; true -> -1 end.
You return -1 if there is no vertex. More idiomatic Erlang would be:
vertex_at(Row, Col, Maze) ->
case cell_exists(Row, Col, Maze) of
true -> Row * Maze#maze.n + Col;
false -> none
vertex_at(Row, Col, Maze) ->
case cell_exists(Row, Col, Maze) of
true -> {ok,Row * Maze#maze.n + Col};
false -> error
Björn Gustavsson, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB
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