[erlang-questions] cowboy-swagger newbie question

Mark Geib mark.geib.44@REDACTED
Thu Feb 11 22:25:08 CET 2016

I am trying to evaluate the cowboy-swagger library which runs on top of cowboy-trails. So far pretty interesting. However I need some help in how to provide the swagger metadata for an endpoint where I have a root url like /applicaiton/rest/file/[:op]/[arg1]/[arg2] that I want to provide documentation for. I assume that I want to use the swagger “basePath” and “paths” attributes but can’t seem to make that work. I have tried the following in all the forms I can image:

trails() ->
  MsgTrailsMetadata =
	  #{basePath => “/application/rest/file/",
		paths => [#{<<"/list">> =>
				   #{get => #{tags => ["file"],
							description => “list available mpeg files",
							produces => ["application/json"]
				  #{<<"/played">> =>
				   #{get => #{tags => ["file"],
							description => “list played mpeg files",
							produces => ["application/json"]}}}]

  [trails:trail(“/application/rest/file/:op/[:arg1/[:arg2]]", ?MODULE, [], MsgTrailsMetadata)].

Any ideas are appreciated.


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