[erlang-questions] why not works command from shell

Sergey Safarov s.safarov@REDACTED
Wed Dec 14 11:32:25 CET 2016

Thank you Kennett for your confirmation.
I think like you and created ticket https://bugs.erlang.org/browse/ERL-317

At present time I use version from Fedora repo.

ср, 14 дек. 2016, 13:20 Kenneth Lakin <kennethlakin@REDACTED>:

> On 12/13/2016 01:07 PM, Sergey Safarov wrote:
> > Correct resolv when called lookup_wait.
> Yeah, this old bug!
> What version of Erlang are you using? I remember that I tracked this
> down to some bad math somewhere in the bowels of the resolver management
> code that meant that you couldn't do lookups until the node has been up
> for five seconds.
> I _think_ it has been fixed in recent versions of Erlang, but I'm not sure.
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