[erlang-questions] Fast directory walker

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Sat Dec 10 12:25:45 CET 2016

This is very interesting - I've often wondered why directory traversal
is faster in C than
Erlang since all Erlang is doing is calling C primitives -

I think measuring the times for this is difficult - if for example you
run a python test immediately followed by an erlang test, I'd expect
you get a different result than if you run the erlang
test with a "cold" cache - running the python program will have the
side effect of loading
various memory buffers - I'd also expect different results on
different OS and different
results depending upon your physical memory sizes and the size of the
trees you are traversing.

I've often wondered if fast C programs achieve their speed by directly
poking around in the
underlying inode structures, but this would involve detailed knowledge
of the underlying
file system (ie is an ext3, HFS+, FAT32 etc.)

Programs like rsync and the Dropbox sync algorithm seem unreasonably
fast to me -
I wonder if they poke around in the underlying OS representation of
the file system and not
use a more portable and easier to use interface.


On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Fred Youhanaie <fly@REDACTED> wrote:
> Out of interest, what do you get when you run the same benchmark twice in
> succession?

> The buffer cache would play a role on the second and subsequent attempts.
> For your code below, running on my oldish laptop, I get {35667060,158949}
> and {8606920,158949}.
> You can use "blockdev --flushbufs <device>" to ensure the buffers are clean
> before running the benchmarks, especially when comparing different versions
> and languages.
> Having said that, the erlang version does look slow, especially when
> compared with the shell equivalent "time find /usr/share -print | wc -l"
> $ sudo blockdev --flushbufs /dev/...
> $ time find /usr/share -print | wc -l
> 186911
> real    0m32.446s
> user    0m0.796s
> sys     0m1.808s
> $ time find /usr/share -print | wc -l
> 186911
> real    0m0.336s
> user    0m0.152s
> sys     0m0.200s
> Perhaps there is room for improvement within the library itself!
> Cheers,
> f.
> On 10/12/16 09:20, Frank Muller wrote:
>> Combining previous hints (Benoit, Sergej):
>> -module(directory).
>> -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl").
>> -export([walker/1]).
>> walker(Path) ->
>>     case file:read_file_info(Path, [raw]) of
>>         {ok, #file_info{type = regular}} ->
>>             1;
>>         _ -> %% not care about symlink for now, assume a directory
>>             Children = filelib:wildcard(Path ++ "/*"),
>>             lists:foldl(fun(P, N) -> N + walker(P) end, 0, Children)
>> end.
>>> timer:tc(fun() -> directory:walker("/usr/share") end).
>> {1611688, <tel:1611688,28953>/28953 <tel:1611688,28953>/}
>> I'm only counting number of files in this case.
>> /Frank
>> Le sam. 10 déc. 2016 à 10:05, Sergej Jurečko <sergej.jurecko@REDACTED
>> <mailto:sergej.jurecko@REDACTED>> a écrit :
>>     read_file_info does the job of is_dir and file_size in a single call.
>> That was the intention.
>>     Also use file:read_file_info(name,[raw])
>>     Sergej
>>>     On 10 Dec 2016, at 09:42, Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@REDACTED
>>> <mailto:bchesneau@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>     this is kind of bullshit (sorry ;).... at the end this is what does
>>> the helpers in filelib:
>>> https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/maint/lib/stdlib/src/filelib.erl#L257
>>>     except if you have a better algorithm in mind i don't se the point of
>>> rewriting something that is aleaready existing ...
>>>     On Sat, 10 Dec 2016 at 09:36, Sergej Jurečko
>>> <sergej.jurecko@REDACTED <mailto:sergej.jurecko@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>         Stop using filelib functions. Use file:read_file_info and
>>> file:list_dir.
>>>         Sergej
>>>         On Dec 10, 2016 9:29 AM, "Frank Muller"
>>> <frank.muller.erl@REDACTED <mailto:frank.muller.erl@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Stanislaw
>>>             First, I don't care if I've to use documented/undocumented
>>> calls as long as I can achieve my goal: faster dir walking.
>>>             And you're right, here is a detailed comparison with other
>>> scripting languages:
>>>             In my /usr/share, there’s:
>>>             2580 directories
>>>             28953 files
>>>             1. Erlang (no io:format/1, just recurse):
>>>             walk(Dir) ->
>>>                 {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
>>>                 walk(Dir, Files).
>>>             walk(Dir, [ Basename | Rest ]) ->
>>>                 Path = filename:join([ Dir, Basename ]),
>>>                 case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
>>>                     true  ->
>>>                         walk(Path);
>>>                     false ->
>>>                       %%  io:format("~s~n", [Path]),
>>>                         filelib:file_size(Path)
>>>                 end,
>>>                 walk(Dir, Rest);
>>>             walk(_, []) ->
>>>                 ok.
>>>             timer:tc(fun() -> directoy:walker("/usr/share") end).
>>>             {4662361 <tel:4662361>,ok}
>>>             2. Python (this code even count the size of dir):
>>>             From:
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392413/calculating-a-directory-size-using-python
>>>             import os
>>>             def get_size(start_path = '.'):
>>>                 total_size = 0
>>>                 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
>>>                     for f in filenames:
>>>                         fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
>>>                         total_size += os.path.getsize(fp)
>>>                 return total_size
>>>             print get_size()
>>>             $ cd /usr/share
>>>             $ time dir_walker.py
>>>             432034130 <tel:432034130>
>>>             0.25 real         0.13 user         0.10 sys
>>>             2. Perl (same, count dir size)
>>>             http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=168974
>>>             use File::Find;
>>>             my $size = 0;
>>>             find(sub { $size += -s if -f $_ }, "/usr/share");
>>>             $ time perl dir_walker.pl <http://dir_walker.pl/>
>>>             432034130 <tel:432034130>
>>>             0.13 real         0.05 user         0.08 sys
>>>             3. Ruby (same, count dir size):
>>>             def directory_size(path)
>>>               path << '/' unless path.end_with?('/')
>>>               raise RuntimeError, "#{path} is not a directory" unless
>>> File.directory?(path)
>>>               total_size = 0
>>>               Dir["#{path}**/*"].each do |f|
>>>                 total_size += File.size(f) if File.file?(f) &&
>>> File.size?(f)
>>>               end
>>>               total_size
>>>             end
>>>             puts directory_size '/usr/share’
>>>             $ time walker.rb
>>>             432028422 <tel:432028422>
>>>             0.21 real         0.09 user         0.11 sys
>>>             4. Lua:
>>>             From: http://lua-users.org/wiki/DirTreeIterator
>>>             require "lfs"
>>>             function dirtree(dir)
>>>               assert(dir and dir ~= "", "directory parameter is missing
>>> or empty")
>>>               if string.sub(dir, -1) == "/" then
>>>                 dir=string.sub(dir, 1, -2)
>>>               end
>>>               local function yieldtree(dir)
>>>                 for entry in lfs.dir(dir) do
>>>                   if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then
>>>                     entry=dir.."/"..entry
>>>             local attr=lfs.attributes(entry)
>>>             coroutine.yield(entry,attr)
>>>             if attr.mode == "directory" then
>>>               yieldtree(entry)
>>>             end
>>>                   end
>>>                 end
>>>               end
>>>               return coroutine.wrap(function() yieldtree(dir) end)
>>>             end
>>>             for filename, attr in dirtree("/usr/share") do
>>>                   print(attr.mode, filename)
>>>             end
>>>             $ luarocks install luafilesystem
>>>             $ time lua walker.lua > /dev/null
>>>             0.30 real         0.16 user         0.14 sys
>>>             Do you need more?
>>>             Thanks for you help.
>>>             /Frank
>>>             Le sam. 10 déc. 2016 à 00:51, Stanislaw Klekot
>>> <erlang.org@REDACTED <mailto:erlang.org@REDACTED>> a écrit :
>>>                 On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 11:15:58PM +0000, Frank Muller
>>> wrote:
>>>                 > I would like to improve the speed of my directory
>>> walker.
>>>                 >
>>>                 > walk(Dir) ->
>>>                 >     {ok, Files} = prim_file:list_dir(Dir),
>>>                 >     walk(Dir, Files).
>>>                 Why prim_file:list_dir() instead of file:list_dir()? The
>>> former is
>>>                 undocumented internal function.
>>>                 [...]
>>>                 > Compared to almost anything i found on the web, it’s
>>> still very slow:
>>>                 > > timer:tc(fun() -> dir:walk("/usr/share") end).
>>>                 > {4662361,ok}
>>>                 What is it this "anything you found on the web"? And how
>>> did you run
>>>                 your comparisons? There's a large difference between
>>> first and second
>>>                 consequent run caused by OS' directory cache, and there's
>>> large
>>>                 difference between simply walking through the directory
>>> and walking with
>>>                 printing something to the screen for every file.
>>>                 Then there's also your using filelib:is_dir() and then
>>>                 filelib:file_size(), which means two stat(2) calls, while
>>> you only need
>>>                 to do it once per file (file:read_file_info()).
>>>                 --
>>>                 Stanislaw Klekot
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