[erlang-questions] wxSizer
Peter J Etheridge
Wed Dec 7 08:57:13 CET 2016
Dear List,
As mentioned in recent postings, learning wxErlang is challenging.
Any improvement to the documentation will be gratefully received.
In his wxErlang work-up Doug Edmunds states, 'the order of Sizers
determines appearance'.
I have set '9' for W & H, and '5' for spacers as these are not yet
I will appreciate any suggestion for Spacer ordering and any links to
other tutorials or examples.
Thank you in advance.
make_window() ->
S = wx:new(),
F = wxFrame:new(S, 1, "text_in_box", [{size, {300, 300}}]),
P = wxPanel:new(F),
B = wxStaticBox:new(P, 2, "&Static box"),
wxPanel:setBackgroundColour(P, ?wxLIGHT_GREY),
wxStaticBox:setBackgroundColour(B, ?wxBLUE),
wxStaticBox:setLabel(B, "Static box"),
T = wxStaticText:new(P, 3, "Static text", []),
wxStaticText:setLabel(T, "Vertical static text"),
Bs = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL, P, [{label, "Horizontal
static box sizer"}]),
Ts = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
wxSizer:add(Bs, B, []),
wxSizer:add(Bs, 9, 9, []),
wxSizer:add(Bs, 9, 9, []),
wxSizer:add(Ts, T, []),
wxSizer:add(Ts, 9, 9, []),
wxSizer:addSpacer(Ts, 5),
wxSizer:addSpacer(Bs, 5),
wxSizer:add(Bs, Ts, []),
wxPanel:setSizer(P, Bs),
% create two listeners
wxFrame:connect(F, close_window),
wxPanel:connect(P, command_button_clicked),
{F, Bs, Ts, self()}.
loop(S) ->
#wx{event = #wxCommand{type = command_event}} ->
wxWindow:close(S, []),
#wx{event = #wxClose{type = close_window}} ->
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