[erlang-questions] processes spawned on remote nodes don't run

Khitai Pang khitai.pang@REDACTED
Tue Dec 6 10:34:48 CET 2016


I have the following function in user_default.erl:

run_on_all_nodes() ->
     [spawn(Node, fun() ->
                          io:format("This runs on ~p~n", [node()])
                  end) || Node <- nodes()].

When I run this function, processes can be spawned on remote nodes but 
it seems that they don't run:

(myapp@REDACTED)1> nodes().

(myapp@REDACTED)2> run_on_all_nodes().

If I manually run the spawn command in the attached shell, it all works 

(myapp@REDACTED)3> [spawn(Node, fun() -> io:format("This runs on ~p~n", 
[node()]) end) || Node <- nodes()].
This runs on myapp@REDACTED
This runs on rabbit@REDACTED
This runs on rabbit@REDACTED

Any idea?


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