[erlang-questions] Strange performance degradation in dict when it's storing lists

Park, Sungjin jinni.park@REDACTED
Tue Aug 23 03:25:28 CEST 2016

@Kyungho, could you please let me know how you changed the source?

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Park, Sungjin <jinni.park@REDACTED>

> @Sverker, you are right.  Still I'm curious what makes the big
> difference.  There was no such big difference when the values were tuples
> rather than lists.  The extra overhead you mentioned must be the same for
> both.
> @Kyungho, I tested in otp-18.  Can there possibly be any VM change related
> with this?
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 5:01 AM, Kyungho Yun <inanun@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> The various size of return values could be confusable.
>> So I tested original source and some modified source; value() ->
>> lists:seq(0,255),
>> though I couldn't get such a big value in OTP 19.
>> But I guess GC might be the cause.
>> and the reference of binary may use for messaging in same node.
>> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 10:53 PM, Sverker Eriksson <
>> sverker.eriksson@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Looks like you measure the latency of send + dict:find + receive
>>> that sometimes happens to get preemted by very heavy calls
>>> to lists:delete.
>>> /Sverker
>>> On 08/22/2016 10:35 AM, Park, Sungjin wrote:
>>> I observed a strange performance degradation in dict.  Let me share the
>>> code I used in the test first.
>>>     -module(data).
>>>     -export([start_link/1, get/1, get_concurrent/1]).
>>>     -export([init/0]).
>>>     start_link() ->
>>>       proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, []).
>>>     init() ->
>>>       register(?MODULE, self()),
>>>       % Initialize data:
>>>       % 0 => [],
>>>       % 1 => [1],
>>>       % 2 => [1,2]
>>>       % ...
>>>       Dict = lists:foldl(
>>>         fun (Key, Dict0) -> dict:store(Key, value(Key), Dict0) end,
>>>         dict:new(), lists:seq(0, 255)
>>>       ),
>>>       proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
>>>       loop(Dict).
>>>     value(Key) ->
>>>         lists:seq(1, Key).
>>>     loop(Dict) ->
>>>       receive
>>>         {get, Key, From} ->
>>>           case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
>>>             {ok, Value} -> From ! Value;
>>>             error -> From ! undefined
>>>           end;
>>>         _ ->
>>>           ok
>>>       end,
>>>       loop(Dict).
>>>     get(Key) ->
>>>       ?MODULE ! {get, Key, self()},
>>>       receive
>>>         Value -> Value
>>>       end.
>>>     %% Run get N times and return average execution time.
>>>     -spec get_concurrent(integer()) -> number().
>>>     get_concurrent(N) ->
>>>       Profiler = self(),
>>>       Workers = [
>>>          prof_lib:spawn_link(
>>>            fun () ->
>>>              Key = erlang:system_time() rem 255,
>>>              Result = timer:tc(?MODULE, get, [Key]),
>>>              Profiler ! {self(), Result}
>>>            end
>>>          ) || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)
>>>        ],
>>>        Ts = receive_all(Workers, []),
>>>        lists:sum(Ts) / length(Ts).
>>>     receive_all([], Ts) ->
>>>       Ts;
>>>     receive_all(Workers, Ts) ->
>>>       receive
>>>         {Worker, {T, _}} -> receive_all(lists:delete(Worker, Workers), [T |
>>> Ts])
>>>       end.
>>> When I ran the test in the shell, I got.
>>>     1> data:start_link().
>>>     {ok, <0.6497.46>}
>>>     2> timer:tc(data, get, [5]).
>>>     {23,[1,2,3,4,5]}
>>> I could get a value in 23 microseconds and expected something not too
>>> slower results for concurrent get but,
>>>     3> data:get_concurrent(100000).
>>>     19442.828
>>> The value 19442.828 microseconds seemed to be too big a value so I tested
>>> with different values such as large binaries and tuples.  And this time the
>>> same get_concurrent(100000) gave me 200 something microseconds.
>>> I also tried the same with an ets instead of a dict, but there was no such
>>> performance degradation by the value type.
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> --
> Park, Sungjin
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Park, Sungjin
Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.
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