[erlang-questions] why is the the output not a list
Roelof Wobben
Sat Sep 26 21:14:31 CEST 2015
Op 26-9-2015 om 21:10 schreef Stefan Schmiedl:
> Roelof Wobben (26.09. 20:08):
>> I think the next time I have to be more carefull and think longer about
>> what really needs to happen.
> I recommend writing a bit more about the code: Signature and purpose,
> for example just as comments:
> -module(number_parser).
> -export([scan/1]).
> %% String -> ListOfTokens
> %% produce a list of tokens (numbers and operators) from the given string
> scan(String) -> lists:reverse(scan(String, [])).
> %% String ListOfTokens -> ListOfTokens
> %% accumulate the tokens in the second argument
> scan([], Parsed) -> Parsed;
> scan([32|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, Parsed);
> scan([$+|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, ['+' | Parsed]);
> scan([H|_]=String, Parsed)
> when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(0, String, Parsed).
> %% Number String ListOfTokens -> ListOfTokens
> %% parse the leading number in given string and prepend its value to the list
> digits(N, [], Parsed) -> [N | Parsed];
> digits(N, [H|R], Parsed)
> when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(N*10+(H-$0), R, Parsed);
> digits(N, String, Parsed) -> scan(String, [N | Parsed]).
> Or you could invest a bit of time to learn about the -spec directive,
> which would allow you to use dialyzer to discover certain types of errors:
> -module(number_parser).
> -export([scan/1]).
> -type token() :: integer() | '+'.
> -spec scan(string()) -> [token()].
> scan(String) -> lists:reverse(scan(String, [])).
> -spec scan(string(), [token()]) -> [token()].
> scan([], Parsed) -> Parsed;
> scan([32|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, Parsed);
> scan([$+|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, ['+' | Parsed]);
> scan([H|_]=String, Parsed)
> when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(0, String, Parsed).
> -spec digits(integer(), string(), [token()]) -> [token()].
> digits(N, [], Parsed) -> [N | Parsed];
> digits(N, [H|R], Parsed)
> when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(N*10+(H-$0), R, Parsed);
> digits(N, String, Parsed) -> scan(String, [N | Parsed]).
> It's not really important what you use (for throwaway training projects),
> but it's a good habit to think about signature and purpose before implementing
> a function.
> If you want to know more about this approach, there's a three-part course
> on this topic over on edx.org, called Systematic Program Design. It does
> not use Erlang, but the ideas are still applicable in other environments.
> It does use a functional language (special teaching language derived from
> racket, i.e. scheme-like), so it's quite close to Erlang, actually :-)
> Best wishes,
> s.
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Dialyzer is mentioned two chaptes later then this exercise.
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