[erlang-questions] Coming Back (maybe improving lists:reverse/1)

Ivan Carmenates Garcia co7eb@REDACTED
Sat Oct 10 00:29:13 CEST 2015

Well, using this function I write instead of 'lists:flatten/1' your
algorithm takes 50XX instead of 62XX milliseconds when using

But if instead of adding the "," in your iolist generator algorithm we do it
here somehow it takes about 42XX milliseconds, I did but I still missing one
comma. I get something like this
"users.*,name,roles.id,roles.levelusers.name AS alias, comma missing between
role.level and user.name. I think we have no control of that in
'concat_io_list/2' function.


concat_io_list([], Acc) ->


concat_io_list([[L | _] = List | Rest], Acc) when is_list(L)->

    concat_io_list(Rest, Acc ++ join_simple_list(List, []));

concat_io_list([List | Rest], Acc) ->

    concat_io_list(Rest, Acc ++ List).


join_simple_list([], Acc) ->


join_simple_list([[X | _] = Str | Xs], Acc) when is_number(X) ->

    join_simple_list(Xs, Acc ++ Str);

join_simple_list([Str | Xs], Acc) ->

    join_simple_list(Xs, Acc ++ join_simple_list(Str, [])).


Well thanks for all,

Best regards,

Ivan (son of Gilberio).



-----Original Message-----
From: Richard A. O'Keefe [mailto:ok@REDACTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 10:17 PM
To: Ivan Carmenates Garcia
Cc: Erlang Questions Mailing List
Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Coming Back (maybe improving



On 8/10/2015, at 1:20 pm, Ivan Carmenates Garcia <
<mailto:co7eb@REDACTED> co7eb@REDACTED> wrote:


> For example this is one of the algorithms, I optimize it as well as I


Start by optimising the documentation.


> Considering here that the order of the fields is very important!.


> %% -------------------------------------------------------------------

> %% @private

> %% @doc

> %% Parses the specified list of full fields into a string containing 

> %% all full fields separated my comma.

> %% example:

> %% <pre>

> %%   parse_full_fields([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},

> %%       {users, name, alias}], fun get_postgres_operator/2) ->

> %%       {"users.'*',name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias",

> %%           [users, roles]}.

> %% </pre>

> %% Returns `{[], []}' if called with `[]'.

> %% @throws {error, invalid_return_fields_spec, InvalidForm :: any()} 

> %% @end %% 

> -------------------------------------------------------------------


Parsing turns a string into structure.

Turning structure into a string is the OPPOSITE of parsing.

You are not parsing but UNparsing.


> -spec parse_return_full_fields(FullFieldsSpecs, Separator, OperatorFinder)
-> Str when

>     FullFieldsSpecs :: proplists:proplist(),

>     Separator :: string(),

>     OperatorFinder :: fun(),

>     Str :: string().


This is seriously confusing.

The thing about a proplist, as we've recently discussed in this list, is
that it contains

- atoms, where 'x' is equivalent to {'x',true}

- pairs {Key, Value}

- junk, which is completely ignored.

While I don't fully understand your example, it's clear

that    name    is NOT equivalent to {name,true} and

that    {users, name, alias}   is NOT ignored as junk.

So whatever you have, it certainly isn't a proplist.


Finally, your -spec describes a function with three arguments, but the
example in your comment has only two arguments.


It looks like you are mapping

    'atom' -> "atom"

    {'table', 'field'} -> "table.field"

    {'table', ['f1',...,'fn']} -> "table.f1" ... "table.fn"

    {'table', 'field', 'alias'} -> "table.field AS alias"


It would seem more logical to have

    field() = atom() | {atom(),atom()}.  % {name,alias}

    fields() = field() | list(field()).

    slot() = atom() | {atom(),fields()}. % {table,fields} so that it's
obvious how to put an alias inside a list of fields.









unparse_return_full_fields(Slots) ->

    {lists:flatten(unparse_slots(Slots)), tables(Slots)}.


tables([{Table,_}|Slots]) ->

    Tables = tables(Slots),

    case lists:member(Table, Tables)

      of true  -> Tables

       ; false -> [Table|Tables]



  when is_atom(Name) ->


tables([]) ->



unparse_slots([Slot|Slots]) ->

    [ unparse_slot(Slot)

    | unparse_remaining_slots(Slots) ].


unparse_remaining_slots([]) ->   


unparse_remaining_slots(Slots) ->

    ["," | unparse_slots(Slots)].


unparse_slot({Table,Fields}) ->

    unparse_fields(Fields, atom_to_list(Table));


  when is_atom(Name) ->



unparse_fields([Field|Fields], Table) ->

    [ unparse_fields(Field, Table)

    | unparse_remaining_fields(Fields, Table) ];
unparse_fields({Name,Alias}, Table) ->

    [Table, ".", atom_to_list(Name), " AS ", atom_to_list(Alias)];
unparse_fields(Name, Table)

  when is_atom(Name) ->

    [Table, ".", atom_to_list(Name)].


unparse_remaining_fields([], _) ->


unparse_remaining_fields(Fields, Table) ->

    ["," | unparse_fields(Fields, Table)].


With that definition, we get


1> c(goo).

2> goo:unparse_slots([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},

   {users, {name, alias}}]).   %% Note difference here.[["users",".","*"],




["users",".","name"," AS ","alias"]]


This is a tree of strings, not a string.  But for many purposes, it's just
as good.  (It's called an iolist.) Flattening it gives
"users.*,name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias"

3> goo:unparse_return_full_fields([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},
{users, {name, alias}}]).

{"users.*,name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias",  [roles,users]}


You will note that the functions above don't have any use for reversing a
list.  And I must repeat that for many purposes, such as sending text to
another OS process, there isn't any *need* to flatten the tree of strings.


Even in your code,


> parse_return_full_fields(FullFieldsSpecs, Separator, OperatorFinder) ->

>     {ParsedFields, TableNames} =

>         parse_full_fields2(FullFieldsSpecs, [], [], OperatorFinder),

>     {string:join(lists:reverse(ParsedFields), Separator), TableNames}.


there isn't actually any need to do this:


    my_reverse_join([X|Xs], Sep) ->

        my_reverse_join(Xs, X, Sep);

    my_reverse_join([], _) ->



    my_reverse_join([], Acc, _) ->


    my_reverse_join([Y|Ys], Acc, Sep) ->

        my_reverse_join(Ys, Y++Sep++Acc, Sep).


9> goo:my_reverse_join(["harry","deacon","thom","avery"]).




We see two ideas here which are likely to be applicable to your code in


(1) It may be possible to *eliminate* a call to lists:reverse/1

    by fusing it with the function the result is being passed to.


(2) It may be possible to *eliminate* appends (++) by constructing

    an iolist (a tree of strings) instead of a string.  For example,

    io:put_chars/2 wants a unicode:chardata().




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