[erlang-questions] Updates, lenses, and why cross-module inlining would be nice

Pierre Fenoll pierrefenoll@REDACTED
Thu Nov 26 11:42:02 CET 2015

That's something the JIT should be doing, right?

Anyhow, what happens when inlined code throws an error? Which location
information is included?
I'm thinking "if none" then "inline all the funs" away.

Pierre Fenoll

On 26 November 2015 at 05:52, Richard A. O'Keefe <ok@REDACTED> wrote:

> Summary:
>  (1) A promising way to solve the nested updates problem
>      is to be more functional, not less.
>  (2) There's an approach we could steal from Haskell.
>  (3) There's free code to play with, worth every penny.
> Consider a simplified version of Pascal:
>   <variable> ::= <identifier> <selector>*
>   <selector> ::= <dereference> | <field> | <index>
>   <dereference> ::= '^'
>   <field> ::= '.' <identifier>
>   <index> ::= '[' <expression> ']'
> If we think of a selector as a function
>   f :: var T1 -> var T2
> it's clear that <identifier> <selector> is function
> application and <selector 1> <selector 2> is
> function composition.
> Yet in Pascal, and C, and languages like them,
> while you can *apply* selectors and *compose* them,
> they cannot be passed as parameters or even named.
> If a functional language has something like selectors,
> they should be first class values, just like other
> more-or-less-function-like things.  But what kind of
> value?
> I think it was Reynolds, analysing Algol 60, who came
> up with the idea that a pass-by-name parameter was
> really a *pair* of functions:  one to fetch a value
> and one to store it, and thereby freed us from the
> limiting idea that there needed to be a 'var T' type.
> The Haskell community have taken this idea and
> developed it.  There this concept is called a "Lens".
> http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/staffpriv/ok/lens.erl
> is a crude implementation of lenses in Erlang.
> A lens is a selector from (values of) type A to
> (values of) type B.  It's represented as a triple
>     {Get, Put, Upd}
>     Get :: (A) -> B
>     Put :: (A, B) -> A
>     Upd :: (A, (B) -> B) -> A
> The Get function says how to extract a B value from an
> A value.  The Put function says how to put a B value
> into an existing A value, returning a new A value.
> The Upd function says how to compute a new A value by
> extracting a B, applying a function to it, and putting
> it back.  We expect the following laws to hold:
>     Get(Put(A, B)) = B
>     Put(A, Get(A)) = A
>     Upd(A, Fun) = Put(A, Fun(Get(A)))
> That is, if you make a lens by hand, you should ensure
> that this is true.
> There are functions for using lenses so you don't have
> to think about the representation.
>     lens:get(Lens, A) -> B
>     lens:put(Lens, A, B) -> A'
>     lens:update(Lens, A, F) -> A'
> There are also functions for making simple lenses.
> For example, if you have a record 'rec' with a field
> 'fld', lens:tuple(#rec.fld) will give you a lens
> for that field.
> Warning: the functions in the lens returned by
> lens:tuple(#rec.fld)
> do NOT check at run time that they are dealing with
> a 'rec' record.  They can't, because #rec.fld is just
> a number, and you can't get back from that number to
> 'rec' or the arity of the record.
> The important thing is that these functions compose.
> For example, suppose you have
>   -record(foo, {boo,coo,goo,zoo}).
> and Foozle is a list of these, and you want to find
> the first record with boo=42, and increment its zoo
> field by 137.
>     Find = lens:where(fun (#foo{boo=Boo}) -> Boo == 42 end)
> is a lens for finding the record you want and
>     Field = lens:tuple(#foo.zoo)
> is a lens for getting at the zoo field of such a record.
> lens.erl provides composition of 2 .. 6 lenses.  So
>     Selector = lens:c(Find, Field)
> is a selector that refers to a field of a record in a list,
> and
>     lens:update(Selector, Foozle, fun (Zoo) -> Zoo + 137 end)
> does the whole job (in just one pass through the list, too,
> which is why the Upd function is there).
> More simply,
>     lens:c(lens:tuple(#a.b), lens:tuple(#c.d),
>            lens:tuple(#e.f), lens:tuple(#g.h))
> is the equivalent of .b.d.f.h in Pascal, except that it is
> a value you can pass around like any other.
> You are not limited to fields that actually exist as such.
> For example, you could do
> gb_set(Element) ->
>     {   fun (Set) -> gb_sets:is_member(Element, Set) end
>     ,   fun (Set, false) -> gb_sets:delete_any(Element, Set)
>           ; (Set, true)  -> gb_sets:add(Element, Set)
>         end
>     ,   fun (Set, Fun) ->
>             Old = gb_sets:is_member(Element, Set),
>             case Fun(Old)
>               of Old   -> Set
>                ; true  -> gb_sets:insert(Element, Set)
>                ; false -> gb_sets:delete(Element, Set)
>             end
>         end
>     }.
> and make a gb-set act like a dictionary with Boolean elements.
> There's even a combinator all/1 so that
>     All = lens:c(lens:tuple(1)),
>     Data = [{3,a},{1,b},{4,c},{6,d}]
>     lens:get(All, Data)
>  => [3,1,4,6]
>     lens:update(All, Data, fun (N) -> N*10 end)
>  => [{30,a},{10,b},{40,c},{60,d}]
> So what about cross-module inlining?
> By the time you've made and composed a couple of lenses,
> you have a tangle of funs.  If the compiler (a) always
> inlines (fun (...) -> ... end)(...) and (b) inlines the
> functions from the lens module, then the tangle resolves
> tidily into reasonably straightforward code.
> But the cross-module inlining step is crucial.  Without
> that, the compiler has nothing to work on.
> At its crudest, consider
>     lens:get(lens:tuple(#rec.fld), Rec)
> *With* cross-module inlining and inlining of funs that
> are applied to known arguments and dead code elimination,
> you end up with
>     element(#rec.fld, Rec)
> *Without* cross-module inlining, three funs are built,
> only one of which will ever be called.
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