[erlang-questions] Languages running on BEAM

Ivan Uemlianin ivan@REDACTED
Mon Nov 9 16:10:45 CET 2015

Dear All

I am compiling a list of programming languages that run on BEAM, the 
Erlang VM:


The resource is aimed at people who might be thinking of implementing 
such a language themselves.  Consequently the list includes experimental 
and abandoned languages as well as the stars.

I am also including a section listing documents (papers, presentations, 
blog posts, etc.) that cover the theme of implementing languages for the 
BEAM in general.

Languages listed so far:

- efene
- elixir
- erl2
- erlang
- erlog
- erlyjs
- haskerl
- joxa
- lfe
- luerl
- reia
- 'the concurrent schemer'
- xerl

If you know about a language or a document that should be on one of 
these lists --- or if I've made mistakes! ---, please let me know 
(email, issue/PR, tweet, etc.).

With thanks and best wishes


Ivan A. Uemlianin PhD
Speech Technology Research and Development


                         festina lente

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