[erlang-questions] (no subject)

Jim Rosenblum jim.rosenblum@REDACTED
Sun Nov 8 14:17:32 CET 2015

From: ?? <zhuo.quan@REDACTED>
To: Erlang???? <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Subject: [erlang-questions] How to delete records in a mnesia table
   when    traverse it
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"

> Hi, list:
>  I have a mnesia table about 15K records in my application. As the time goes, I find that some records(10K) in the table is useless. So I want to delete these useless items with a piece of code like this:
> Here is the code:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> 1.   delete() ->
> 2.        traversal_tab(tab).
> 3.   traversal_tab(TabName) ->
> 4.       traversal_tab(TabName, mnesia:dirty_first(TabName)) .
> 5.  traversal_tab(TabName, '$end_of_table') ->
> 6.       io:format("finished~n");
> 7.  traversal_tab(TabName, Key) ->
> 8.       delete_entry(TabName, Key),
> 9.       traversal_tab(TabName, mnesia:dirty_next(TabName, Key)).
> 10.  delete_entry(TabName, Key) ->
> 11.      if ... 
>             %% delete the record if it fulfils the condition.
> 12.        mnesia:dirty_delete(TabName, Key)
>               ...13.       end.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> The problem is if I delete the certain record in line 12,  the function mnesia:dirty_next(TabName, Key) in line 9 will fail.
> How to delete records when i traverse a mnesia table? Anyone Help? 

Depending on your criteria, maybe you could use dirty-match or dirty-select to collect the records that need to be deleted in one pass,  and then delete those objects by iterating though that collection. 

Alternately, you could have a process that (at regular intervals) walks the table marking records for deletion (by setting a field reserved for this purpose) that meet your criteria and then deletes them as described above. 
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