[erlang-questions] Can Pid be maps key ?

月忧茗 yueyoum@REDACTED
Mon May 18 08:01:10 CEST 2015

Can Pid be maps key ?

Build maps from #{} syntax, The error says Pid can not be key.

Bug build with maps module, Pid can be key.

18> 18> Pid = self().
<0.39.0>19> #{Pid => 1}.
* 1: illegal use of variable 'Pid' in map20> 20> M1 =
maps:from_list([{Pid, 1}]).
#{<0.39.0> => 1}21> 21> #{Pid := V} = M1.
* 2: illegal use of variable 'Pid' in map22>                  22>
maps:get(Pid, M1).1

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