[erlang-questions] Announcing Erlang.org Code of Conduct

Peter Hickman peterhickman386@REDACTED
Fri Mar 13 17:23:09 CET 2015

Well this makes me very uncomfortable :(

Despite being a lurker the introduction of arbitrary and subjective rules
such as 74 character limit and no top posting, neither of which have ever
caused me problems, comes off as someone having too much time on their

3.  Be mindful of how much text you are quoting. Too much or too
    little doesn't help.

Could you please provide guidance on what constitutes "too much" or "too
little" quoting. I will be expecting citations from peer reviewed journals
- or is this just the whim of an anonymous mod?

I am a member of a few language based communities, some which have been
much less professional than this list, and they thrived without having
Moses coming down with the tablets to inform us how we should format our
emails. Why you think that this even needs to be introduced? Did I miss
some great cataclysm?

The lack of a need for a CoC makes me think badly of those that are
motivated to introduce one.

(But I will accept that it all comes down to people with nothing better to
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