[erlang-questions] Binary data hiding sasl log entries?

Youngkin, Rich richard.youngkin@REDACTED
Thu Mar 12 23:31:19 CET 2015

I have some more information, and questions, regarding this.  First, the
number of "^@" characters is not in the thousands, it's in the millions and
represents most of the size of the file. This plays into the second item.
We're using logrotate and there seems to be a possible problem with that
(this is a fairly old post).


When we turned off logrotate for the sasl log the problem disappeared. So
this does indeed look like a bad interaction between logrotate and and the
process writing to the sasl log. Given that there are sasl settings
for *error_logger_mf_maxbytes
and **error_logger_mf_maxfiles, *I'm wondering if this is a known issue
with using logrotate with the sasl log, and/or if anyone else has run into


For now, we're going to switch from logrotate to the sasl log config


Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has seen binary data in a sasl log and
> what might
> be causing it. I'm seeing thousands and thousands of "^@" characters. In
> addition, I'm not seeing expected startup messages and I'm wondering if
> this info has been obscured by the binary data. I only see this occur at
> the beginning of a sasl log. I'm using R15B03. Thanks,
> Rich
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