[erlang-questions] New Erlang EBook

Mark Nijhof mark.nijhof@REDACTED
Thu Mar 5 12:54:57 CET 2015

This is much more constructive feedback, you are basically saying what is
holding you back from buying vs wanting to get it for free. The argument
was never about what an author does, just that what they decided to do to
be respected.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Roger Lipscombe <roger@REDACTED>

> > If Zach wishes to charge money for his book, that's his prerogative.
> > He's written before and is likely aware of the consequences (Will
> > readers expense it at work, pirate it at home, borrow it from a library?
> > Does pricing change the perception people have from the book in terms of
> > quality?) and able to choose what he's comfortable with.
> Absolutely agree with this. It is totally Zach's prerogative. Doesn't
> make me stop wishing that there was a sample chapter available for
> free, though. $39 seems like a lot to plunk down sight unseen. For
> this reason alone, I'll be holding back.
> Contrast this with the fact that I just this morning bought "Your Code
> As a Crime Scene" from Pragpub based on reading a couple of sample
> pages.
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Mark Nijhof
m: 0047 46748688
t:   @MarkNijhof <https://twitter.com/MarkNijhof>
s:  marknijhof
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