[erlang-questions] {tls_alert,"handshake failure"}

Rad Gruchalski radek@REDACTED
Tue Mar 3 21:05:36 CET 2015


I believe, this is because you are using self signed certificates and the signing certificate provided in the bundle is not added to trusted certificates.

Kind regards,

Radek Gruchalski

radek@REDACTED (mailto:radek@REDACTED)
de.linkedin.com/in/radgruchalski/ (http://de.linkedin.com/in/radgruchalski/)

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On Monday, 2 March 2015 at 21:46, Alex Hudich wrote:

> Hi
> I’ve got some strange errors when I try to make SSL connection to a web-site with peer verification on.  
> Here’s an example:
> I’ve downloaded PEM certificates from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bagder/ca-bundle/master/ca-bundle.crt
> Then I start erl and run a command ssl:start().
> Then I try to connect somewhere (I renamed ca-bundle.crt file to a cacert.pem):
> 2> ssl:connect( "t.ileads.ru (http://t.ileads.ru)", 443, [{verify,verify_peer},{cacertfile,"cacert.pem"}]).
> =ERROR REPORT==== 2-Mar-2015::23:32:15 ===
> SSL: certify: ssl_handshake.erl:1403:Fatal error: handshake failure
> {error,{tls_alert,"handshake failure"}}
> Without peer verification everything went ok.  
> What’s wrong? Or maybe I do something wrong?
> --
> cul8er, Alex.
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